Saturday, 9 February 2013

Final (eddited) image- visual response- 5th set

5th set of photos from a different angle- edditted the same way with the same effect. 

Final (eddited) image- visual response- 4th set

 4th set of photos, from a different angle- edditted in the same way.

Final (eddited) image- visual response- third set.

Edditted in the same way. Third set of photos from a different angle. 

Final (eddited) image- visual response- second set

 I also edditted these photos in the same way as the first angle photos. These photos are just from a different angle. Second set.

Final (eddited) image- visual response- first angle

 After taking these original images, i done some minor edditting. I changed the effect of the photo using photoshop and I also edditted the face. These pictures are from the first angle.

Final images visual response




These are my final images of my visual response. I have taken these pictures of my friend (What i love) Bhuma with a Canon Camera. I have not editted these photos yet, however, I will do that through photoshop later on. I took these pictures of my friend from different angles and tried to capture as many angles as possible. I ended up with 25 photographs. I took these photos as a response to David Hockneys photo that he has also eddited via photoshop of himself from different anglesm, however i decided to relate it to my project of love and hate by photographing a friend.

visual response

On my mindmap of love and hate, one of the things I wrote under 'Love' was 'Friends'. Therefore i have decided to take a picture of one of my friends  that are in my photography class. Also, one of the photographers I researched was David Hockney and i was really interested and into his work. Also, I chose the photograph above because I found the way Hockney had put all the pictures of the same person together really creative. So, I'm hoping mhy response would be quite similar.

I took these photos of a computer screen from different angles and i am using them as my test for my visual response. I took these photos with a Canon camera in my photography class on Saturday. I uploaded these photos onto photoshop and began to crop them in order for me to be able to put them together to make a collage of a computer screen that looks quite similar to David Hockneys. I done this so that I am ready and i know what im doing after I take pictures of my friend for my actual visual response.

This is my final piece for my test. I put all the pictures i have taken of the screen from all the different angles to make a full screen photograph. From this test, i have learnt that when I am taking pictures of my friend Bhuma, i need to take into consideration the angles i take the picture from so that i make it easier for my self when i use photoshop to put the pictures together.